PLEX // Configurations
Plex Configurations
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Setting Plex default stream quality for Web
1. Sign into the Plex website with the link provided to you from any web browser.
2. Once Plex is loaded, click the settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
3. Once in settings, click on “Quality” in the menu on the left.
4. Uncheck “Automatically adjust quality”.
5. Under “Internet Streaming”, set the video quality to “Maximum”.
6. Save Changes.
Setting Plex default stream quality for Mobile
* The following settings will apply to all Android, iOS and iPadOS.
1. From the home screen, tap on the “hamburger menu” button in the upper left hand corner.
2. From there, tap on the “Gear” settings icon top right of the menu screen that slides out from the left.
3. From the Settings menu, tap on the Quality section:
We have to change a few things here:
4. Tap on Remote Streaming.
Now, you’ll notice that there isn’t an option for Original or Maximum like a lot of the other device. That’s because it’s hidden by default.
5. Select the Show All menu option from the list.
Then you will see the option we are looking for:
6. Select Maximum.
7. Hit the < in the upper left and you will return to this screen, adjust all other settings to match these below:
Automatically Adjust Quality: DISABLED
Limit Cellular Data: 2 Mpbs, 480p (You can set it to a lower value if your mobile speed is slower)
Remote Streaming: Maximum
Home Streaming: Maximum